Thank you to the 500+ viewers who joined us live for our Press Conference last week and the 1,800 who have watched it since. If you were unable to attend, you can watch it HERE.
It has been 20 days since we received news of Our Lady of Mercy Academy’s closing. We’ve been busy and wanted to provide transparency about what we’ve accomplished:
Established ourselves as a legal non-profit, OLMA Preservation Coalition Inc.
Set up communication channels through our website ( and Instagram (@MercyGirlsDontQuit)
Outreach to the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Education Systems of America (MESA) requesting a meeting
Hosted a livestream Press Conference
Organizing those who have stepped forward to volunteer & are standing up our planning committees
Organized our Education & Fundraising advisors, who are actively preparing a short and long term budget and viability proposal for presentation
We are planning our Town Hall meeting - the date, time and location will be shared later this week. In the meantime:
Continue to share this petition - let’s get to 10k this week
Volunteer @ by clicking the JOIN US button
To close, we wanted you to know - we are here, we are working, we are partnering and exploring many angles and opportunities to deliver a win-win solution.
And we thank you for your continued support.